Paul Crouse Show #38 - "Anxiety & Depression" with Frances Robbins

Paul Crouse Show #38 - "Anxiety & Depression" with Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about about anxiety and depression.

  • What are differences between the two?
  • What are the symptoms and causes?
  • When is it serious enough to serious enough to seek professional help?

Remember, both problems are treatable. You do not have to suffer.

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #31 - "Create a Better Experience of Life and Work"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #31 - "Create a Better Experience of Life and Work"

What are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves? Are they true? And do they get in our way?

This month, Paul talks with Tokyo-based executive and life coach Sarah Furuya about the steps we can take to have more fulfilling work and personal lives.

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Rev. Taka: Tomorrow I'm Superhuman?

Rev. Taka: Tomorrow I'm Superhuman?

During this 2.5 minute audio excerpt from an hour-long radio interview, Zen Buddhist priest Rev. Taka Kawakami explains how life is in the present moment.

He says that people often get excited thinking about the future. We think that we will be superhuman tomorrow, but that we are only regular today. So we put things off. With that attitude, we let life slip past us.

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Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

"Doctor! Doctor! It hurts when I do this!"   "Then don't do that."

That sounds simple, right? Well....

In this short vlog, Paul Crouse talks about clearly seeing the things that we all do to sabotage ourselves, and choosing to change that behavior. Because If we don't, we'll keep on doing the same things over and over again, and never get where we want to be.

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How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Worrying

What is worry?

Worry is focusing your attention on your fears repeatedly. It is a habit; a form of conditioned thinking.

Why is Worrying Bad?

Worry is a waste of time and energy. It does absolutely nothing to change what you are worried about.

It is also destructive. It causes a great deal of stress, which is unhealthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Worrying simply reinforces the fear you already have in your life. Fear is paralyzing and keeps you away from living your life to the fullest.

The good news is that you can stop worrying if you choose to.

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Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Would you rather be walking on a beach right now? Or doing something else? Do you feel stuck? 

Choose to change. Even if you feel like you have no choice, you always do. You have a free will. You you want to live a better life, you can -- but you have to choose to do it.

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Actively Challenge Your Comfort Zones

Actively Challenge Your Comfort Zones

Challenge yourself to do things that you would not normally do to break your pattern of living on autopilot — and lessen the probability that you will become a grumpy old person.

Once a week, you should do something that gets you out of your comfort zone. Something that makes you feel uncomfortable, like sleeping on the other side of the bed or not drinking coffee for 24 hours.

Once a month, you should do something even more uncomfortable, like eating raw octopus or not using your mobile phone for an entire day.

And once a year, you should do something very, very uncomfortable — like listening to entire Justin Bieber CD or skydiving -- if you are afraid of heights.

This is a great way to break our habitual, conditioned thinking patterns, as well as open us up to greater variety of life experiences.

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Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Take a break from thinking for a little bit today.

We are taught that thinking is good and that we can solve all of our problems by thinking about them. To be thoughtless is considered to be an insult.

Yet, we can get lost in our thoughts. Often, the same thoughts go around and around, and make us crazy. Sometimes we think we know everything.

For today, lets try something different. Instead of trying to bend the world to fit our thoughts, let try to just be. Empty yourself of thoughts through simple meditation.

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Chakra Meditation - Free 16 Minute Audio MP3 File (Updated Version)

Chakra Meditation - Free 16 Minute Audio MP3 File (Updated Version)

(This is a new recording with improved audio quality and without the jarring bell at the end. Thanks to everyone for their feedback. Life is about progress, not perfection, right?)

Feel calm, centered and energized with the Chakra Meditation.

Listen to this sixteen minute guided meditation in the audio player, or download it to your phone or other device. Click "Read More" below. The audio player at the bottom of the page, with the download button on the right hand side.

You will be guided to open and activate your chakras (energy centers of your body) and then sit in silence.

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How to Do the Diamond Heart Meditation

How to Do the Diamond Heart Meditation

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  — Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Today, I would like to teach you a very simple and powerful meditation you can do to empower yourself. It is called the Diamond Heart Meditation. With this meditation, you will consciously share the love in your heart with everyone and everything. 

This is a very powerful meditation that can change your life. It will show you that you have an unlimited power source from within yourself. By sharing this love energy, your vibes will be tuned higher and your energy will shift. You will become brighter and your darkness will melt away. 

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How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Worrying

Worry is focusing your attention on your fears repeatedly. It is a habit; a form of condition thinking.

Why is Worrying Bad?

Worry is a waste of time and energy. It does absolutely nothing to change what you are worried about.

It is also destructive. It causes a great deal of stress, which is unhealthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Worrying simply reinforces living of your life in fear. Fear is paralyzing and keeps you away from living your life to the fullest. 

The good news is that you can stop worrying if you choose to.

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What Is Your Essence?

What Is Your Essence?

On my journey from the depths of alcohol abuse two decades ago, and from the work I do helping people improve their lives, I have found that the path of true success and happiness comes by looking inward and strengthening yourself from the inside out.

Today, I am going to briefly talk about what “going inward” really means and what you will find when you get there. 

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