The Paul Crouse Show - Archive

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"Sensory Deprivations & Life After Living Overseas"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

Paul Crouse Show #44 - August 22, 2018

Click on this photo to watch a recording of the show on Facebook.

Click on this photo to watch a recording of the show on Facebook.

This month, Paul talks again to psychiatric nurse practitioner Francis Robbins about two topics. 

First, Frances will describe her experiences and recommendations using a sensory deprivation tank.  Secondly, she will talk about her experiences moving back to the United States after living overseas for several years.

Frances and Paul always have lively discussions. Listen in.

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio Podcast

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 044- Aug 2018 - Frances Robbins - Sensory Deprivation & Life After Living Abroad
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"How to Break the Political Polarization"

with Star Nations Founder Neshi Lokotz of Tomah, Wisconsin

July 17, 2018 - Paul Crouse Show #43

Click on this photo to watch the recorded show on Facebook

Click on this photo to watch the recorded show on Facebook

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations founder Neshi Lokotz about the political climate in the U.S. and how we can take steps to bridge the political divide.

We all have to live together with each other on this planet. Screaming at each other is not a good way to live.

Listen in to this interesting conversation.

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio Podcast

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 043 - July 2018 - Neshi Lokotz - How to Break the Political Polarization
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to see a recording of the show on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Staying Sane in Our 'Crazy' World"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

June 19, 2018 - Paul Crouse Show #42

click this photo to watch a recording of the show on Facebook

click this photo to watch a recording of the show on Facebook

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about not going crazy in our rapidly changing and internet connected world.

What is sanity? And what is it that we can do to get back control of our minds? And how can we change our mindset from being overly negative to bing  more positive. 

Frances and Paul talk about practical ways to think less habitually and have a better attitude. Listen in. 

You can contact Frances on her website at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio Podcast

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 042 Staying Sane in Our "Crazy" World
Star Nations Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Loneliness and Isolation"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

May 22, 2018 - Paul Crouse Show #41

Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about the epidemic of loneliness and isolation in our modern world.

The more connected we are online, the less real human connections we tend to have in the real world. This leads to anxiety and depression, especially among younger people who have who have only known a world with the internet. 

People are social beings who need to be with others. Frances and Paul talk about strategies to take steps to make that happen. As always, it is a fascinating and useful conversation with them.

You can contact Frances on her website at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio Podcast

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 041 MAY 2018 Frances Robbins "Loneliness and Isolation"
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.

"It's Natural, Not Supernatural"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

Frances robbins

Frances robbins

April 16, 2018 - Paul Crouse Show #40

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about Paul's speciality, which is the mystical side of life.

He tells the story of how the spirit world serendipitously opened up to him after he stopped drinking. He explains how the supernatural is a perfectly normal part of nature and that understanding about it can bring great benefit to your life. 

The world is a pretty amazing place.

You can contact Frances at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 040 APR 2018 Frances Robbins - "It's Natural, Not Supernatural"
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.

"Toxic Relationships"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

February 20, 2018 - Paul Crouse Show #39

Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about unhealthy interpersonal relationships, either between lovers, family members, friends, colleagues or acquaintances.

They discuss what a toxic relationship is, how to identify it, and what to do to either change the relationship or get out of it.

Listen in to this fascinating discussion which is filled with lots of insights and practical tips.

You can contact Frances at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 039 Toxic Relationships with Frances Robbins
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Anxiety and Depression"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

January 17, 2017 - Paul Crouse Show #38

Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about anxiety and depression.

  • What are differences between the two?

  • What are the symptoms and causes?

  • When is it serious enough to serious enough to seek professional help?

Remember, both problems are treatable. You do not have to suffer.

You can contact Frances at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse 038 "Anxiety & Depression" with Frances Robbins
Paul Crouse

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Sleep Better"

With psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins

December 20, 2017 - Paul Crouse Show #37 

Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about the problems and causes of poor sleep, and gives practical advise on how to sleep better.

You can contact Frances at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 037 "Sleep Better" with Frances Robbins
Paul Crouse

(Please excuse the the technical difficulties during the first few minutes of the show. I am still getting a hang of how to use the live streaming app. I clicked a few wrong buttons, but I sorted it out. - Paul) 

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Belonging: Community vs Tribalism"

With Neshi Lokotz of Tomah, Wisconsin

November 21, 2017 - The Paul Crouse Show #36

Neshi Lokotz

Neshi Lokotz

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz about the natural human need to belong to a group: the importance of community, the rise of social isolation in our modern world and rise of tribalism.

To quote Rodney King: "Why can't we all get along?"

Three Ways to View or Listen to the Show

1. Audio

And below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 036 NOV 2017 with Neshi Lokotz
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.


Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Shamanic Reality"

With Neshi Lokotz of Tomah, Wisconsin

October 17, 2017 - The Paul Crouse Show #35

Neshi lokotz

Neshi lokotz

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz about their common experiences doing shamanic work. Neshi shares how she was introduced to Medicine Work (which is what she calls shamanism) through her Native American upbringing. And 

Paul talks about his very different experience being introduced the shamanic realms. They also discuss other aspects of shamanic including: safety, integrity, the challenge of the ego, charlatans and self discipline. 

This show was recorded in a new format: Live video streaming on Facebook via BeLive.TV.

Three Ways to View or Listen to the Show

1. Audio

And below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 035 "Shamanic Reality" with Neshi Lokotz - OCT 2017
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.


Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


"Singing Your Own Tune"

With Yoga Teacher and Life Coach Carmela Fleury of Kamakura, Japan

September 19, 2017  "The Paul Crouse Show" #34

Carmela Fleury SQ 726px.jpg

Do more of what brightens you and less of what doesn’t.

Don't miss Paul’s fun conversation yoga teacher and life coach Carmela Fleury of Kamakura, Japan.

They talk about the mind-body connection, how we all have our own dance to dance, and discuss whether spirituality is just a load of B.S - or not. Now take three deep breaths.

You can contact Carmela at her website

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 034 Sept 2017 Carmela Fleury
Paul Crouse

"Thoughtless and Mindful - Part Two"

With Tokyo-based Musician and Photographer Morgan Fisher

August 22, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #33

Morgan Fisher

Morgan Fisher

Being meditative is more than sitting in the lotus position. 

Listen to Part 2 of Paul’s conversation with Tokyo-based British musician and photographer Morgan Fisher. They talk about Morgan’s spiritual journey in India, touring with Queen and recording with Yoko Ono, his current music and photography work. 

Learn more about Morgan at

You can also find him Facebook and YouTube. Just search for “Morgan Fisher.”

Here are his YouTube channels: Morgan Fisher Art; (ambient music oriented)  morganfjp (Mott Oriented)

Morgan on SoundCloud (Lots of improv)

Morgan's Wikipedia page

You can listen to Part One here.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show Aug2017 Morgan Fisher Part 2
Star Nations Radio Network

"A Rock & Roll Life - Part One"

With Tokyo-based Musician and Photographer Morgan Fisher

July 18, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #32

Morgan Fisher

Morgan Fisher

Paul talks with Tokyo-based British musician and photographer Morgan Fisher, formerly of the 1970s rock band Mott the Hoople. Morgan talks about how he got interested in music, his life as a rock-n-roller, the aftermath and the start of of his inner journey.

Listen to Part 2 during our August 2017 show.

Learn more about Morgan at

Here are his YouTube channels: Morgan Fisher Art; (ambient music oriented)  morganfjp (Mott Oriented)

Morgan on SoundCloud (Lots of improv)

Morgan's Wikipedia page

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 032 with Morgan Fisher - Part 1
Star Nations Radio Network


“Create a Better Experience of Life and Work”

With Tokyo-based Executive and Life Coach Sarah Furuya

June 20, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #31

Sarah Furuya

Sarah Furuya

What are the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves? Are they true? And do they get in our way?

This month, Paul talks with Tokyo-based executive and life coach Sarah Furuya about the steps we can take to have more fulfilling work and personal lives.

You can contact her via Sarah Furuya Coaching at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.


Paul Crouse Show 031 with Sarah Furuya
Star Nations Radio Network


"Helpful or Hogwash?"

With Heley Matthews of Kyoto, Japan

May 16, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #30

Heley Matthews

Heley Matthews

Can spiritual ideas benefit scientifically trained people?

This month, Paul talks with his friend Heley Matthews -- who has a scientific background -- about the work he does helping people using spiritual concepts and techniques to see if they might be useful to her in her daily life. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation.


Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 030 May 2017 with Heley Matthews
Star Nations Radio Network


"Alternative and Complementary Treatments"

With Complementary Health Practitioner Sara Williams of London, U.K.

April 18, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #29

Sara Williams

Sara Williams

It can be difficult to know when to use alternative or complementary treatments for your health problems.

This month, Paul talks again with complementary health practitioner Sara Williams of London, UK. They discuss the differences between conventional medicine and complementary / alternative treatments, and challenges of knowing what is right for you.

You can contact Sara at Spherical Living in London.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 029 Apr 2017 Sara Williams
Star Nations Radio Network


"Revolution of Light"

With Spiritual Guide and Clairvoyant Ayesha Sheeba of Chennai, India

March 21, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #28

Ayesha sheeba

Ayesha sheeba

Everyone has spiritual gifts they can learn to use

This month, Paul talks with spiritual guide and psychic Ayesha Sheeba of Chennai, India. They discuss her clairvoyant gifts, which go back to her childhood, and how she helps empower people by showing them how to tap into their own gifts. Don't miss the fascinating discussion.

You can learn more about Ayesha at her Revolution of website or on Facebook.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 028 Mar 2017 Ayesha Sheeba
Star Nations Radio Network


"Japanese Tea Ceremony"

With Atsuko Mori of Camellia Tea Ceremony in Kyoto, Japan

January 31, 2017 "The Paul Crouse Show" #27

atsuko mori

atsuko mori

Japanese Tea Ceremony is a spiritual experience

This month, Paul talks with Atsuko Mori, the owner of Camellia Tea Ceremony in Kyoto, Japan. They discuss Japanese tea ceremony, it’s history and connection to Zen Buddhism, as well as how the study of tea ceremony improved Atsuko’s life. Don’t miss this interesting conversation.

You can contact Atsuko the Camellia Tea Ceremony website at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 027 Jan 2017 with Atsuko Mori
Star Nations Radio Network


"Don't Get Consumed by The Fear"

With Star Nations Co-Founder Neshi Lokotz of Tomah, Wisconsin

November 29, 2016  "The Paul Crouse Show" #26

Neshi Lokotz

Neshi Lokotz

This month, Paul spoke with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz about recent events, including the U.S. presidential elections, and about how to stay well informed and strong internally in the face uncertainty in our rapidly changing world.

You can contact Neshi at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 026 Nov 2016 with Neshi Lokotz
Paul Crouse


"Self Care and Your Inner Essence"

With Complimentary Health Practitioner Sara Williams of London, U.K.

October 31, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #25

Sara Willams

Sara Willams

Being healthy is more than just taking care of your body.

This month Paul talks with holistic complimentary health practitioner Sara Williams from London, UK. They discuss Esoteric Healing and how your connection with your innermost self has an impact on your physical, mental and emotional well being. Don’t miss this fascinating conversation.

You can contact Sara at Spherical Living in London.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 025 Oct 2016 with Sara Williams
Star Nations Radio


“Getting Unstuck”

with Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Frances Robbins

September 27, 2016 “The Paul Crouse Show” #24

Frances Robbins

Sometimes, we all end up like a car stuck in the ditch.

This month, Paul talks with psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about taking steps to get unstuck and moving forward in our lives, as well as having the courage to seek out help when we need it.

Don’t miss this interesting conversation.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 024 Sept 2016 with Frances Robbins
Paul Crouse


“Funk Soul Tomodachi (Friends)"

with Angela Moreno of Caracas, Venezuela

August 30, 2016 “The Paul Crouse Show” #23

Angela Moreno

Sometimes the Universe guides you to meeting the right people.

This month, Paul talks with his good friend, Venezuelan comic artist and funk soul sister Angela Moreno. They’ll talk about how they met each other in Kyoto and how their common interest in the spiritual arts led to a deep friendship. 

Conversation topics included:  manga & anime, Gong Show-like job interviews, getting rid of ghosts, personal psychic abilities and how astrology readings can actually be useful.

Don’t miss this interesting conversation.

You can see Angela's artwork and contact her for astrology readings at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 023 with Angela Moreno
Paul Crouse


“First Steps on the Spiritual Path”

With Neshi Lokotz of Tomah, Wisconsin

July 26, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #22

Neshi Lokoz

Neshi Lokoz

Why do we fall down? To learn how to stand back up.

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz. In their first meeting, Paul asks Neshi about being raised in a traditional Native American culture, and they both talk about their spiritual awakenings. 

Listen in for a great conversation.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 022 with Neshi Lokotz
Star Nations Radio


"Grieving and Life Change"

With Katsuko Saito of Kyoto, Japan

May 30, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #20

Katsuko Saito

Katsuko Saito

The passing of a loved is a traumatic .

This month, Paul talks with Katsuko Saito, the program director at Otenin Buddhist Temple in Osaka, Japan. She talks about her experience overcoming the grief of the sudden death of her partner and life changes she made moving forward with her family.

They also about the cultural differences in the work environment between Japanese people and Westerners. 

It was a lively discussion between two good friends whom both have dealt with loss and have come out the other end transformed.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 020 with Katsuko Saito
Star Nations Radio


"Recovery, Healing and Taking Care of the Soul"

With Katherine Arati Maas of Zurich, Switzerland

April 25, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #18

Katherine ARati Maas

Katherine ARati Maas

The stars are brighter once you roll over in the gutter.

This month, Paul is interviewed by  Katherine Arati Maas of Zurich, Switzerland about his life as a drunk and a druggie, sobering out 25 years ago, and how this lead him to discover his spiritual gifts. He also talks about his work helping people live their lives better. 

If you want to know the nitty gritty about Paul, what he's been through and how he helps people, then have a listen.

This is a rebroadcast of an interview for Katherine’s “Coming Clean” radio show on theTransformation Talk Radio network. 

Visit Katherine Arati Maas’ “Within the Flow” website.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show #19 with Katherine Arati Maas
Star Nations Radio


"Mindfulness Training"

With Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt of Bedberg, Germany

March 28, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #18

Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt

Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt

Mindfulness is the capacity to pay attention on purpose in the present moment non-judgmentally, and with kindness.

This month, Paul interviews Zen teacher Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt, who is the founder and executive Director of the Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches in Bedburg, Germany. During this interview, Linda and Paul discuss how mindfulness training can benefit people in all walks of life deal with the challenges of the modern world, including stress and chronic pain.

Contact Dr. Linda Lehrhaupt at the Institute of Mindfulness-Based Approaches

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

The Paul Crouse Show 018 with Dr Linda Lehrhaupt
Star Nations Radio


"What the Bleep is Zen?"

With Rev. Taka Kawakami of Kyoto, Japan

February 29, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #17

Rev. Taka Kawakami

Rev. Taka Kawakami

Zen is not a brand. It is a Buddhist religion and literally means “seated meditation.”

Listen in to this interesting and lighthearted interview with Rev. Taka Kawakami of Shunkoin Zen Buddhist Temple in Kyoto, Japan. 

Paul and Taka talk about the common misconceptions about Zen and Buddhism in the West, as well as about meditation, mindfulness, living life better and Captain Kirk. 

And, no, there is really is no such thing as Zen massage, Zen yoga or Zen hamburgers. That is just marketing silliness.

You can see the Shunkoin Temple website and contact Rev. Taka by email at:

You can see his TEDxKyoto talk on mindfulness on YouTube and his Mindfulness Story video on Vimeo.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

The Paul Crouse Show 017 What the Bleep is Zen? w Rev Taka Kawakami
Star Nations Radio


"Food, Fasting and Dharma"

With Hillary Adrian Han of Koh Samui, Thailand

January 26, 2016 "The Paul Crouse Show" #16

Hillary Adrian Han

Hillary Adrian Han

Nurturing our bodies nurtures our spirit.

With more than 20 years of experience teaching fasting, cleansing, and the Buddhist teachings of dharma, Hillary Adrian Han shares with Paul her deep knowledge and wisdom about living a healthy life being connected to your innermost essence. 

This very special edition of The Paul Crouse Show was recorded during Paul’s 13th day of a fast at the Dharma Healing International Center on Koh Samui island in Thailand, which Hillary runs.

In this wide ranging conversation, Hillary and Paul talk about the Buddhist concept of dharma, the process and benefits of fasting and cleansing, eating healthily and how to make simple changes to create new, healthy habits.

Lots great info about living life better.

You can contact Hillary on Facebook at:

You can also contact Hillary by email at:

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

The Paul Crouse Show 016 - Food, Fasting and Dharma with Hillary Adrian Han
Star Nations Radio


"One Simple Shift to Transform Your Life"

With Kevin Akash Olver of Hove, England

December 14, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" #015

Kevin Akash Olver

Kevin Akash Olver

Aligning with our inner nature can transform our lives.

With many years of experience blending psychology and spirituality, Kevin Akash Olver shares with Paul the simple and practical ways for living better during this rebroadcast. 

Kevin is a teacher of personal growth and meditation in England. He has a gift for clear seeing and is known for his warm, peaceful nature and inspiring approach.

"Kevin has been a powerful influence in my life," says Paul

Over the years, Kevin has worn many hats, including as a psychologist, hypnotherapist, healer, coach and consultant. He now enjoys being mostly hatless!

This wide ranging discussion touched upon empowerment, and how to bring greater awareness, love, strength, peace, joy and freedom into our lives.

You can contact Kevin Akash Olver and learn more about his work at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 015 - One Small Shift with Kevin Akash Olver
Star Nations Radio


"The Creative Flow" 

With Phil Norton (aka: Preacherman Says) of Kyoto, Japan

November 30, 2015  "The Paul Crouse Show" #014



Finding the right creative outlet is liberating. 

This month Paul talks with Kyoto spoken word artist and musician Phil Norton (aka: Preacherman Says) about life, poetry slams, the creative process and the Horse-headed Goddess of Mercy. 

Phil shared some of his unique and thought provoking music and poetry. (No! Don’t run away! It is NOT that kind of poetry! It’s the fun kind!) LOL!

It was a great show with a lot of laughs, some music and even a few bleeps. 

You can find more of Phil's verbal and musical masterpieces at

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 014 The Creative Flow w Phil Norton
Star Nations Radio


"Mystic 101: The Basics of Living a Magical Life"

With Denise Iwaniw of Lowell, Michigan, USA

October 27, 2015  "The Paul Crouse Show" #013

Denise Iwaniw

Denise Iwaniw

Life isn’t rational. It is magical. The question is: What kind of magic are you using?

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Denise Iwaniw about her clairvoyant gifts, the gifts everyone has, and how to live a more magical life. 

"Everyone can connect with spirit and use their own gifts, " says Denise. "To start out, simply take some time to be quiet, and be open to what is around you and inside of you."

Denise is the Real McCoy who knows her stuff. She is acknowledged by the Catholic Church as a seer, as well as being a Pipe Carrier (holy person) in the Lakota Nation. She talks having her gifts since childhood, and her spiritual journey.

Paul and Denise have known each other more the 25 years, and Paul considers Denise to be one of his teachers. 

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 013 "Mystic 101" w Denise Iwaniw
Star Nations Radio


"Trust Yourself"

With Miki Matsumoto of Kyoto, Japan

August 31, 2015  "The Paul Crouse Show" #012

Miki Matsumoto

Miki Matsumoto

It’s your life. Choose how you want to live it. Trust yourself and listen to your body. Your awareness and inner knowing are the best guides you have. You don’t have to do what the people around you — or society — tells you do to.

Join Japanese holistic wellness practitioner Miki Matsumoto and Paul Crouse as they talk about mindfulness, healthy living and the stewardship of planet Earth for future generations. Miki specializes in helping pregnant women, mothers and their children live in an empowered and healthy way, yet her message is useful for anyone who wants to live in a better way. 

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 012 "Trust Yourself" w Miki Matsumoto
Star Nations Radio

"Buddha and Burpees" with Russell Trott of Kyoto, Japan

July 28, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" #011

Get your butt moving with exercise. Sit your butt down to meditate.

Join British fitness and movement coach Russell Trott and Paul Crouse as they talk about the importance of moving your body, as well as how Russell’s Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice has changed his life. 

Russell Trott
Paul Crouse Radio Show "Buddha and Burpees" w Russell Trott
Star Nations Radio

Lisa WEllington

"Know Yourself"  with Lisa Wellington of Ft. Collins, Colorado

June 30, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" #010

If you don’t know yourself, your values and what you really want, it is difficult to live life to the fullest. Many people don't know what they want and are miserable.

International businessperson and cool mom Lisa Wellington talks with Paul about her experiences, and then walks us through a values exercise to help us be clear about ourselves and our lives.

Lisa's recipe for success

  • Know Yourself

  • Know What You Want

  • Ask for It and Work for It

  • Take Time to Celebrate

  • Repeat

LIsa made her own materials for the values exercise, but you can find similar materials by googling Values Sort Exercise. I found downloadable, printable cards here, and a one page version here. There are many others.

The Paul Crouse Show 010 - "Know Yourself"
Star Nations Radio

Reylia and Johnna Slaby

"Double Trouble" with Johnna and Reylia Slaby of Nara, Japan

May 26, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" 009

When you are walking on your path, life can be full of synchronicity and flow. But what do you do when you are down in the dumps? 

Join in with Paul Crouse and funk soul twins Johnna and Reylia Slaby as they have a laugh filled conversation about growing up in Japan as (kind of) Americans, and doing what you know is right on the inside -- even though others tell you otherwise. And a bunch of other fun stuff. No boring old people here.

The Paul Crouse Show 009 with Johnna and Reyla Slaby
Star Nations Radio Network

Lauri Watanabe

"A Spiritual Walk" with Lauri Watanabe of Kobe, Japan

April 28, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show " 008

What if you, as a thoroughly secular person, asked God if he existed — and you got an answer? It might shake your world. It did for Lauri.

Join in with Paul Crouse and funk soul sister Lauri Watanabe as she tells her amazing, life changing story and shares her wisdom, humor and good vibes. 

The Paul Crouse Show 008 - "A Spiritual Walk"
Star Nations Radio Network

Tony, the Unknown psychic

"My Ego is Better Than Your Ego" with Tony, the Unknown Psychic

Mar 31, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" #007

The “I’m right. You suck!” attitude is at the core of much of the world’s problems. It is kind of like a little monster running the show in your head. 

Join funk soul brothers Paul Crouse and Tony, The Unknown Psychic as they talk about the ego — what it is, the problems it causes and how to overcome it. 

The Paul Crouse Show 007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"
Star Nations Radio Network

Tony, the unknown psychic

"Funk Soul Brothers" with Tony, the Unknown Psychic

Feb 24, 2015 "The Paul Crouse Show" #006

Paul comes out of the psychic closet and for the first time speaks openly in public about his psychic / spiritual / shamanic gifts along with his funk soul brother Tony, the Unknown Psychic.

They talk about an amazing experience they shared 15 years ago which awakened the both of them spiritually and psychically. They also talked at length about having these gifts, how everyone is psychic, and about how to live one's life's purpose.

It was a truly great humorous conversation that ended too soon. Check it out now. 

(Because of the sensitive nature of his work, Tony, the Unknown Psychic does not want his true identity known).

The Paul Crouse Show 006 with The Unknown Psychic
Star Nations Radio Network

Ted Taylor

"Walking in the Land of the Gods" with Ted Taylor of Kyoto, Japan

Jan 27, 2015 “The Paul Crouse Show” #005

Ted is an American writer, traveler and a long time Japan resident. Ted shares his experiences studying Zen Buddhism and yoga, as well as his extensive walking journeys in the Japanese countryside.

You contact Ted, and read his blog at Notes from the Nog.

Paul Crouse Radio Show 005 with Ted Taylor
Star Nations Radio Network

Kevin Akash Olver

"One Simple Shift to Transform Your Life" with Kevin Akash Olver of Hove, England

Nov 25, 2014 "The Paul Crouse Show" #003

Kevin has many years of experience of bringing together psychology and spirituality. We talked about getting how getting in alignment with our inner nature can transform your life. This can be done in simple, practical ways. 

Paul Crouse Radio Show 003 with Kevin Akash Olver
Paul Crouse / Star Nations Radio

Ela Albisser

"Living Healthier" with Ela Albisser of Kyoto, Japan

Oct 28, 2014  "The Paul Crouse Show" #002

Ela is a shiatsu practitioner and a health coach. We talked about the importance finding the balance between mind, body and spirit; about moving forward by getting out of our comfort zone; and simple things that you can do to live healthier.

Paul Crouse Radio Show 002 with Ela Albisser
Paul Crouse

"Practical Soulful Living" with Larendee Roos, Of Brooklyn, NY.

Sept 29, 2014  "The Paul Crouse Show" #001

Larendee is a strategic business advisor who helps people build their dreams step by step by harnessing their gifts and talents within a practical structure. We also talked the importance of living a genuine life from your soul

Larendee Roos
Paul Crouse Radio Show 001 with Larendee Roos
Paul Crouse / Star Nations Radio


"Star Nations Magazine Hour" with Denise Iwaniw of Lowell, Mich.

Sept 2, 2014  

Denise Iwaniw talks with Paul Crouse about his work, how he helps his clients, his upcoming monthly radio talk show, and living life better. 

Denise Iwaniw with Paul Crouse
Denise Iwaniw / Star Nations