Paul Crouse Show #40 - "It's Natural, Not Supernatural" with Frances Robbins

Paul Crouse Show #40 - "It's Natural, Not Supernatural" with Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about Paul's speciality, which is the mystical side of life. He tells the story of how the spirit world opened up to him on after he sobered out. He explains how the supernatural is a perfectly normal part of nature and that understanding about it can bring great benefit to your life. The Universe is a pretty amazing place.

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #26 - "Don't Get Consumed by The Fear"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #26 - "Don't Get Consumed by The Fear"

This month, Paul spoke with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz about recent events, including the U.S. presidential elections, and about how to stay well informed and strong internally in the face uncertainty in our rapidly changing world.

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Rev. Taka: Tomorrow I'm Superhuman?

Rev. Taka: Tomorrow I'm Superhuman?

During this 2.5 minute audio excerpt from an hour-long radio interview, Zen Buddhist priest Rev. Taka Kawakami explains how life is in the present moment.

He says that people often get excited thinking about the future. We think that we will be superhuman tomorrow, but that we are only regular today. So we put things off. With that attitude, we let life slip past us.

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Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

"Doctor! Doctor! It hurts when I do this!"   "Then don't do that."

That sounds simple, right? Well....

In this short vlog, Paul Crouse talks about clearly seeing the things that we all do to sabotage ourselves, and choosing to change that behavior. Because If we don't, we'll keep on doing the same things over and over again, and never get where we want to be.

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How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Worrying

What is worry?

Worry is focusing your attention on your fears repeatedly. It is a habit; a form of conditioned thinking.

Why is Worrying Bad?

Worry is a waste of time and energy. It does absolutely nothing to change what you are worried about.

It is also destructive. It causes a great deal of stress, which is unhealthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Worrying simply reinforces the fear you already have in your life. Fear is paralyzing and keeps you away from living your life to the fullest.

The good news is that you can stop worrying if you choose to.

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Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Would you rather be walking on a beach right now? Or doing something else? Do you feel stuck? 

Choose to change. Even if you feel like you have no choice, you always do. You have a free will. You you want to live a better life, you can -- but you have to choose to do it.

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

The “I’m right. You suck!” attitude is at the core of much of the world’s problems. It is kind of like a little monster running the show in your head. 

Join funk soul brothers Paul Crouse and Tony, The Unknown Psychic as they talk about the ego — what it is, the problems it causes and how to overcome it. 

The Funk Soul Brothers always have something interesting to say. Listen in, or else my daddy is going to come over and beat up your daddy.

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You Weren’t Born Just to Buy Stuff

You Weren’t Born Just to Buy Stuff

You are constantly and relentless being told by society that you must buy stuff. Lots of stuff. You are a consumer, so you must consume. If you do not, you are not contributing to society. Your status is judged by the quality and quantity of your things; the Armani suit, the Rolex watch and the Mercedes car.

While there is nothing inherently wrong in having things - even nice things - yet you set yourself up for a life of endless suffering by making “buying stuff” the center point of your life.  You will never have enough. There always a bigger house to be bought and smarter smartphone. You will spend more and more of your limited time working to pay off your debts, and less time on the human relationships which are the most important parts of life.


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The World is Better Now Than Ever in History, but I Bet You Don’t Believe It

The World is Better Now Than Ever in History, but I Bet You Don’t Believe It

Many people think that world is getting worse by the day. But that is not true. Life is better for humanity now than ever in history.

Yet this belief in a worsening world gets in the way of solving the real problems that need to be addressed.  By having an overly negative view of the world (and life), you lay the seeds for crippling depression and anxiety. 

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