Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #17 - "What the Bleep is Zen?"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #17 - "What the Bleep is Zen?"

Zen is not a brand. It is a Buddhist religion and the word literally means “seated meditation.”

Listen in to this interesting and lighthearted interview with Rev. Takafumi Kawakami of Shunkoin Zen Buddhist Temple in Kyoto, Japan. 

Paul and Taka talk about the common misconceptions about Zen and Buddhism in the West, as well as about meditation, mindfulness, living life better and Captain Kirk. 

And -- no -- there is really is no such thing as Zen massage, Zen yoga or Zen hamburgers. That is just marketing silliness.

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Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Would you rather be walking on a beach right now? Or doing something else? Do you feel stuck? 

Choose to change. Even if you feel like you have no choice, you always do. You have a free will. You you want to live a better life, you can -- but you have to choose to do it.

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After a Near Death Experience, a Woman Shares How to Live Better

After a Near Death Experience, a Woman Shares How to Live Better

Anita Moorjani had a near death experience after battling cancer for four years. She came back from the Other Side and healed herself completely in a matter of weeks.

Please watch the video above. In it, I read and expand upon a page from Anita's book "Dying to Be Me." She describes how she totally changed the way she approaches living life.

She has moved from living her life in fear to living her life with joy.She allows herself to simply be herself, not being burdened by other people's dogma or judgements. We can learn a lot from someone with such an experience.

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Awareness Training: Bring Your Attention Back to Your Body

Awareness Training: Bring Your Attention Back to Your Body

“Yeah, when you call my name, I salivate like Pavlov’s Dogs.” -- The Rolling Stones 

A huge amount of the thoughts in our heads are there because of conditioned thinking. You remember Pavlov’s Dogs from school, right?  Ring the bell and salivate. Conditioned thinking is an automatic response. Event X happens and you respond with Reaction Y, just like you learned to do in the past.

What is this means is that we are not in control of our thoughts. Our thoughts control us. This conditioning started when we were very small children. A baby is hungry, she cries and she gets fed.  She gets hungry again, she cries and she gets fed again. We learn that one pretty fast.

To take back control of our thinking, we need tools to help us break the slavery to our trance-like conditioning.

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