Paul Crouse Show #34 With Carmela Fleury

Paul Crouse Show #34 With Carmela Fleury

“Singing Your Own Tune” with Carmela Fleury of Kamakura, Japan.

Do more of what brightens you and less of what doesn’t.

Don't miss Paul’s fun conversation yoga teacher and life coach Carmela Fleury of Kamakura, Japan. They talk about the mind-body connection, how we all have our own dance to dance, and discuss whether spirituality is just a load of B.S - or not. Now take three deep breaths.

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A Few Words to Start Your Day Right

A Few Words to Start Your Day Right

Affirmations are positive statements to help you overcome your conditioned thinking....They are another tool to break your "stinkin’ thinkin’"....

...Here is an affirmation I use daily. It is in the form of a prayer. I got it from David Byrne’s movie “True Stories”. You never know where you will find gems.

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Today's Exercise: Send Love to Someone You Despise

Today's Exercise: Send Love to Someone You Despise

Do you really want to change your life and the world for the better? Send love to someone who you despise.

By sending this love, you are in no way approving of this person or their actions....

This is an exercise in rattling your cage. You will be directly confronting your ego....

It is a spiritual solution to a human problem: You can not solve human conflict, and the conflicts within your heart, with hate. But you can with love.

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