Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #14 - "The Creative Flow"

Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #14 - "The Creative Flow"

Finding the right creative outlet is liberating. 

This month Paul talks with Kyoto spoken word artist and musician Phil Norton (aka: Preacherman Says) about life, poetry slams, the creative process and the Horse-headed Goddess of Mercy. 

It was a great show with a lot of laughs, some music and even a few bleeps. 

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Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #13 - "Mystic 101: The Basics of a Magical Life"

Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #13 - "Mystic 101: The Basics of a Magical Life"

Life isn’t rational. It is magical. The question is: What kind of magic are you using?

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Denise Iwaniw about her clairvoyant gifts, the gifts everyone has, and how to live a more magical life. 

"Everyone can connect with spirit and use their own gifts, " says Denise. "To start out, simply take some time to be quiet and be open to what is around you and inside of you."

Denise is the Real McCoy who knows her stuff. She is acknowledged by the Catholic Church as a seer, as well as being a Pipe Carrier (holy person) in the Lakota Nation. She talks having her gifts since childhood, and her spiritual journey.

Paul and Denise have known each other more the 25 years, and Paul considers Denise to be one of his teachers. 

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Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

Don't Keep Doing It If It Doesn't Work [Vlog]

"Doctor! Doctor! It hurts when I do this!"   "Then don't do that."

That sounds simple, right? Well....

In this short vlog, Paul Crouse talks about clearly seeing the things that we all do to sabotage ourselves, and choosing to change that behavior. Because If we don't, we'll keep on doing the same things over and over again, and never get where we want to be.

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How to Stop Worrying

How to Stop Worrying

What is worry?

Worry is focusing your attention on your fears repeatedly. It is a habit; a form of conditioned thinking.

Why is Worrying Bad?

Worry is a waste of time and energy. It does absolutely nothing to change what you are worried about.

It is also destructive. It causes a great deal of stress, which is unhealthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Worrying simply reinforces the fear you already have in your life. Fear is paralyzing and keeps you away from living your life to the fullest.

The good news is that you can stop worrying if you choose to.

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Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Does Your Life Suck? Choose to Change [Vlog]

Would you rather be walking on a beach right now? Or doing something else? Do you feel stuck? 

Choose to change. Even if you feel like you have no choice, you always do. You have a free will. You you want to live a better life, you can -- but you have to choose to do it.

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Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #12 -- "Trust Yourself"

Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #12 -- "Trust Yourself"

It’s your life. Choose how you want to live it. Trust yourself and listen to your body. Your awareness and inner knowing are the best guides you have. You don’t have to do what the people around you — or society — tells you do to.

Join Japanese holistic wellness practitioner Miki Matsumoto and Paul Crouse as they talk about mindfulness, healthy living and the stewardship of planet Earth for future generations.

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Actively Challenge Your Comfort Zones

Actively Challenge Your Comfort Zones

Challenge yourself to do things that you would not normally do to break your pattern of living on autopilot — and lessen the probability that you will become a grumpy old person.

Once a week, you should do something that gets you out of your comfort zone. Something that makes you feel uncomfortable, like sleeping on the other side of the bed or not drinking coffee for 24 hours.

Once a month, you should do something even more uncomfortable, like eating raw octopus or not using your mobile phone for an entire day.

And once a year, you should do something very, very uncomfortable — like listening to entire Justin Bieber CD or skydiving -- if you are afraid of heights.

This is a great way to break our habitual, conditioned thinking patterns, as well as open us up to greater variety of life experiences.

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Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #011 -- "Buddha and Burpees"

Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #011 -- "Buddha and Burpees"

Move your butt with exercise. Sit on your butt to mediate.

Taking care of your body is just as important as taking care of your soul.

Join British fitness and movement coach Russell Trott and Paul Crouse as they talk about the importance of moving your body, as well as how Russell’s Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice has changed his life. 

You can contact Russell at the CrossFit Kyoto website.

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Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #010 -- "Know Yourself"

Listen to the Paul Crouse Radio Show #010 -- "Know Yourself"

If you don’t know yourself, your values and what you really want, it is difficult to live life to the fullest. Many people don't know what they really want and are miserable.

International businessperson and cool mom Lisa Wellington tells us about her experiences and then walks us through a values exercise to help us be clear about ourselves and our lives.


Lisa's recipe for success

  • Know Yourself
  • Know What You Want
  • Ask for It and Work for It
  • Take Time to Celebrate
  • Repeat
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Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Take a break from thinking for a little bit today.

We are taught that thinking is good and that we can solve all of our problems by thinking about them. To be thoughtless is considered to be an insult.

Yet, we can get lost in our thoughts. Often, the same thoughts go around and around, and make us crazy. Sometimes we think we know everything.

For today, lets try something different. Instead of trying to bend the world to fit our thoughts, let try to just be. Empty yourself of thoughts through simple meditation.

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #009 - "Walking the Path"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #009 - "Walking the Path"

With guests Johnna and Relia Slaby of Nara, Japan

When you are walking on your path, life can be full of synchronicity and flow. But what do you do when you are down in the dumps? 
Join in with Paul Crouse and funk soul twins Johnna and Reylia Slaby as they have a laugh filled conversation about growing up in Japan as (kind of) Americans, and doing what you know is right even though others tell you otherwise.And a bunch of other fun stuff. No boring old people here. LOL!

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Expats: Get Out of Dodge at Least Once a Year [Vlog]

Expats: Get Out of Dodge at Least Once a Year [Vlog]

If you want to keep your sanity as an expat, get out of country at least once year. More is even better.

I have lived overseas in Japan for more than 20 years. I have a rule for myself about leaving the country at least once a year. I broke that rule this past year and noticed that I was getting stressed out and feeling stuck. 

I just took a week long trip to visit some friends in Sweden and I feel a lot better. I have a much better perspective on just about everything, including what I need to do to move forward in my life.  And spending time with good friends as great for the soul. 

Even if you aren't an expat, travel overseas at least once a year. The world is such an amazing place. Just do it. LIfe is short. Standing in a land with a different culture and different smells is a really good reality check. 

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #008 - "A Spiritual Walk"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #008 - "A Spiritual Walk"

With guest Lauri Watanabe of Kobe, Japan

What if you -- as a thoroughly secular person -- asked God if he existed and you got an answer? It might shake your world. It did for Lauri.

Join in with Paul Crouse and funk soul sister Lauri Watanabe as she tells her amazing, life changing story and shares her wisdom, humor and good vibes. 

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Listening to What We Don't Want to Hear [Vlog]

Listening to What We Don't Want to Hear [Vlog]

I am always right, right? Well, that is what our ego tells us. 

Often when others criticize us, there is at least bit of truth to it. If we leave some space actually listen to what the other person has to say, while not repressing our emotional reaction, we can take yet another step forward toward liberating ourselves from the enslavement of our ego.

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Spirit Circle Tele Workshop on Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm EDT

Spirit Circle Tele Workshop on Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm EDT

Spirit Circle Tele-Workshop on Star Nations Academy Online

Spirit Circle Tele-Workshop on Star Nations Academy Online
Lead by Paul Crouse of Kyoto, Japan

Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm US Eastern / 4pm Pacific / 23:00 GMT
Tues, Apr 7 at 8am Japan Time

Cost: USD $20

Register here:

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

The “I’m right. You suck!” attitude is at the core of much of the world’s problems. It is kind of like a little monster running the show in your head. 

Join funk soul brothers Paul Crouse and Tony, The Unknown Psychic as they talk about the ego — what it is, the problems it causes and how to overcome it. 

The Funk Soul Brothers always have something interesting to say. Listen in, or else my daddy is going to come over and beat up your daddy.

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The Chi Flows Where The Mind Goes: Be Careful What You Think

The Chi Flows Where The Mind Goes: Be Careful What You Think

In the Chinese martial art of tai chi, there is a maxim that states: “The chi flows where the mind goes."

Your attention focuses your life energy. Being aware of your thoughts and how you focus your attention is an important step in creating the life you want for yourself.

What is Chi?

Chi is life energy. Your body is a mixture of water, chemicals and chi. Chi is the essence that makes you alive.

In traditional Eastern thought, wellness comes from a properly balanced flow of chi; illness comes from an unbalanced or blocked flow of chi. For example, the ancient traditional Chinese medicine art of acupuncture uses needles in specific body points to unblock and re-balance the flow of chi.

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #006 - Funk Soul Brothers with Tony, the Unknown Psychic

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #006 - Funk Soul Brothers with Tony, the Unknown Psychic

Paul comes out of the psychic closet and for the first time speaks openly in public about his psychic / spiritual / shamanic gifts along with his funk soul brother Tony, the Unknown Psychic.

They talk about an amazing experience they shared 15 years ago which awakened the both of them spiritually and psychically. They also talked at length about having these gifts, how everyone is psychic, and about how to live with the funk in your soul and the boogie in your step.

It was a truly great, humorous conversation that ended too soon. Check it out now. 

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Are You Giving, Taking or Losing Energy?

Are You Giving, Taking or Losing Energy?

Understanding your energy, the energy of others and how we all struggle for more of this energy is a powerful way to understand how you act, and how you interact with others.

Every interaction you have with another person is an energy exchange. During these interactions you, and the other person, are either giving, taking or losing energy.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you left it feeling upbeat and energized? Simply put, that person gave you energy. Conversely, when you had a conversation with someone and you felt drained afterwards, the other person took energy away from you.

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