Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Stop Thinking: Take Time to Be Quiet Today

Take a break from thinking for a little bit today.

We are taught that thinking is good and that we can solve all of our problems by thinking about them. To be thoughtless is considered to be an insult.

Yet, we can get lost in our thoughts. Often, the same thoughts go around and around, and make us crazy. Sometimes we think we know everything.

For today, lets try something different. Instead of trying to bend the world to fit our thoughts, let try to just be. Empty yourself of thoughts through simple meditation.

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Spirit Circle Tele Workshop on Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm EDT

Spirit Circle Tele Workshop on Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm EDT

Spirit Circle Tele-Workshop on Star Nations Academy Online

Spirit Circle Tele-Workshop on Star Nations Academy Online
Lead by Paul Crouse of Kyoto, Japan

Mon, Apr 6 at 7pm US Eastern / 4pm Pacific / 23:00 GMT
Tues, Apr 7 at 8am Japan Time

Cost: USD $20

Register here:

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Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

Listen to Paul Crouse Radio Show #007 - "My Ego is Better Than Your Ego"

The “I’m right. You suck!” attitude is at the core of much of the world’s problems. It is kind of like a little monster running the show in your head. 

Join funk soul brothers Paul Crouse and Tony, The Unknown Psychic as they talk about the ego — what it is, the problems it causes and how to overcome it. 

The Funk Soul Brothers always have something interesting to say. Listen in, or else my daddy is going to come over and beat up your daddy.

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How to Do the Diamond Heart Meditation

How to Do the Diamond Heart Meditation

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  — Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Today, I would like to teach you a very simple and powerful meditation you can do to empower yourself. It is called the Diamond Heart Meditation. With this meditation, you will consciously share the love in your heart with everyone and everything. 

This is a very powerful meditation that can change your life. It will show you that you have an unlimited power source from within yourself. By sharing this love energy, your vibes will be tuned higher and your energy will shift. You will become brighter and your darkness will melt away. 

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