Paul Crouse Show #44 - "Sensory Deprivation and Life After Living Overseas" with Francis Robbins

Click on this photo to see a recording of the show on Facebook.

Click on this photo to see a recording of the show on Facebook.

This month, Paul talks again to psychiatric nurse practitioner Francis Robbins about two topics. 

First, Frances will describe her experiences and recommendations using a sensory deprivation tank. And secondly, she will talk about her experiences moving back to the United States after living overseas for several years.

Frances and Paul always have lively discussions. Listen in.

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio Podcast

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 044 - Aug 2018 - Frances Robbins - Sensory Deprivation & Life After Living Abroad
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.