Paul Crouse Show #39 - "Toxic Relationships" with Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

Frances Robbins

This month, Paul talks again with psychiatric nurse practitioner Frances Robbins about unhealthy interpersonal relationships, either between lovers, family members, friends, colleagues or acquaintances.

They discuss what a toxic relationship is, how to identify it and what you can do to either change the relationship or get out of it, with lots of useful information and practical tips.

You can contact Frances at Precision Mental

Three Ways to Watch or Listen to the Show:

1. Audio

Below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click the "play" button to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 039 "Toxic Relationships" with Frances Robbins
Star Nations Radio Network

2. Facebook Video Stream

Click here to watch a recording of the video stream on Facebook.

3. Video

Watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.


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