Paul Crouse Show #35 "Shamanic Reality" with Neshi Lokotz

Neshi Lokotz

Neshi Lokotz

This month, Paul talks with Star Nations co-founder Neshi Lokotz about their common experiences doing shamanic work. Neshi shares how she was introduced to Medicine Work (which is what she calls shamanism) through her Native American upbringing. And

Paul talks about his very different experience being introduced the shamanic realms. They also discuss other aspects of shamanic including: safety, integrity, the challenge of the ego, charlatans and self discipline. 

This show was recorded in a new format: live video streaming on Facebook via BeLive.TV.



And below is a podcast audio recording of the show which can you can listen to streaming or download an MP3 file to listen to on any device.

Click below to stream the audio, or click "Download" to get an MP3 file you can play on any device. It may take a few moments for the audio file to load.

Paul Crouse Show 035 "Shamanic Reality" with Neshi Lokotz - OCT 2017
Star Nations Radio Network


You can watch the YouTube video recording of the live stream below. Just click the "play" button.

Or you can watch it on Facebook here