Ask Paul #2: How Do I Stay Sane During Life Upheaval? [Vlog]

Here is the second video in my new “Ask Paul” series.

Brian of Hendersonville, NC wrote:

“How to keep my sanity while watching my mom lose her battle with Parkinson's, raising a 16 year old, taking care of three dogs and one very nervous cat, and essentially starting over professionally and personally after a failed marriage. Other than all that life is good.” (With a freaked out looking smilie face attached).

Later he said that through all of this that he was still smiling”

Have a listen to my answer. It is 9.5 minutes long. Remember, some ideas need more that 140 characters.

Following is an audio version of the above video. You can listen streaming or via MP3 download.

Ask Paul #2: How to Stay Sane During Life Upheaval?
Paul Crouse

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If life isn't working out for you, give send me an email and we can set up a time to talk. I help people sort our their insides, overcome their problem, harness their gifts, figure out what they really want to do in life, and help them get to from here to there. I do this by teaching awareness and techniques, and coaching via online video calling. Life is short. Make your move.


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